Aug 7, 2013

My (FREE) Library Curriculum Map

UPDATE (February 16, 2018):
If I could, I would adjust this curriculum map to better reflect modern reference sources (Items H-J). The prospect of that is very slim, as I am a now middle school librarian and have neither the time nor need to do so. Perhaps it will be useful to you as a starting point. 

As a classroom teacher, I depended heavily on my LRP's (Long Range Plans). But, somehow, as a librarian, I've never really been able to form a good LRP. Until NOW! After much study and revision, I've completed my Elementary School Library Curriculum Map for the coming school year!

In order to better understand it, you'll need to know the following:
  1. I teach kindergarten through 5th grade on a modified flex schedule. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I am available for collaborative units with teachers, which will be determined as we go along. This Curriculum Map is for my fixed classes that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  2. The numbers in the map indicate the week in which I'll teach the topic. I'm in each class's related arts schedule every other quarter. For example, if there are four 1st grade classes, I meet with two of them in the 1st and 3rd quarters, and I meet with the other two in the 2nd and 4th quarters. Therefore, I only see each class a total of 18 class periods, as indicated on the Curriculum Map. 
  3. During the first 2 weeks of school, I "pull" the "off schedule" classes and teach the week 1 and week 2 lessons, so that everyone is caught up on essential information. Then, when the 2nd quarter begins, I start that group with lesson 3, since that's where they left off. Clear as mud?
  4. The literature appreciation lessons are labeled for weeks 15 through 18, but I actually insert them as needed throughout the year. For example, during book fairs, the computers are inaccessible due to the book display cases. That's a perfect time to pull a literature appreciation lesson!
  5. While you may find that many typical library topics are not listed, please remember that I have flex days during which I could collaboratively teach lessons with the teachers.
  6. Some of the topics are very broad, and some may include different methods. For example, the lesson labeled "Research V: Do" includes several of the steps of the "Big 6" for the upper grades, while the younger grades are at different levels of the "Super 3." More details here! 
I found a great library scope and sequence at Bay Port Blue Point UFSD, which helped me discern the essential topics I should teach in my precious 18 weeks! It also helped me create a detailed outline of what each of the lessons listed above includes, complete with focus questions and AASL standards alignment.

As I'm certain there's room for improvement, I welcome your comments and questions!

Happily Ever After,


  1. Thank you for all this info! Two quick questions for you from an inexperienced newcomer:
    1. How long are your periods with each class? I have 45 minutes with each class, and 15 are usually dedicated to book browsing.
    2. Do you ever run up against a problem of students saying "we learned this last year?" It looks like topics are the same for all grades at all times on the curriculum map. Am I misreading?

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. You have no idea how much help you've provided. Have a great NYE!

  3. Question: Do you have a list of books you read for each grade that match your curriculum map? I'd appreciate anything you can post.
